We get it. We’ve tried it all. And faltered, too. Until we found a better way, that is. 

That’s where OPTAVIA comes in. We’ve helped countless people just like you achieve personal transformation with these four powerful supports:

As part of a large community of Optavia coaches, we deliver guidance and inspiration on your journey. A Community of warm, like-minded people providing real-time encouragement. Clinically proven plans and scientifically-developed products, called Fuelings, designed by dietitians, scientists, and physicians.

Our Habits of Health® Transformational System offers easy steps to a sustainably healthy lifestyle.

If you are someone who wants to reclaim your health and change your lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to OPTAVIA.

I completely understand the struggle you’ve been on.

All my life, I’d never been at a healthy size for any length of time!  Whether too thin or too heavy, given BMI standards (that’s a whole other ball of wax) I’ve struggled to attain a weight - and keep it there - for any length of time.

I’ve struggled with Pre-Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, adrenal fatigue, inflammation and lagging energy. Having a sweet tooth, I was always craving sugar or carbs. From a very young age, I’d always had a very unhealthy relationship with my body so that I was constantly critical, obsessed with eating, trying every fad diet on the market, or dangerous tools to get me to a point of feeling okay in my skin. Whether it was Weight Watchers, Adkins, Southbeach Diet, Cabbage soup diet, the Hot Dog Diet (!), fasting, Intuitive eating, excessive exercising and trainers, it was never a long term fix for my issues with weight loss, healthy mindset and long standing health habits!

AND at the same time, being on a spiritual path of “you are perfect and lovable just as you are”, caused my weight to yo-yo up and down as I struggled to find a way to have a balanced, loving attitude towards my self without the push and guilt but also be healthy. 

I want everyone to be crystal clear….you are absolutely beautiful no matter what size you are!

It’s difficult joining what I believe to be a very unhealthy Western culture of weight loss and beauty that is One Size Only.

AND I also know medically that excess weight on our bodies over time causes serious illness and wear/tear both to your joints and your internal organs.

I also know from working side by side in a group of really magical entrepreneurs, our self image is tightly wound up in our body image. When we are not fully comfortable in the skin we are in, and feeling weighed down both physically and mentally, it keeps us from shining our brightest light. Health issues, fatigue, and a poor mind set seriously holds us back. Filling our bodies with unhealthy foods or a poor mindset completely fogs your ability to tune into the wisest part of you: your internal voice.

In my work of helping others LIVE THEIR LIFE OUT LOUD showing up fully without apology, the health and wellness piece was something I could no longer ignore as being vitally important in that journey of living bravely into our deepest Truth.

Optavia has been a life changer for me.

Hands down, it was the simplest program to drop the pounds quickly without any need for food planning and prepping or exercise. But much more importantly than that, it connected me with a fantastic coach (for free!) who walked with me through it all, and continues to do so, connected me to a HUGE community of folks who knew my struggle and provided weekly live support online, and provided me with written resources to begin learning and living Healthy Habits to make my health journey a permanent one.

And beyond that, it's given me a beautiful opportunity to pass this gift on to others, creating a financial outlet as a bonus to what I already offer others though Whole Arts. It’s so rewarding to continuously see weekly transformation in other’s lives, which only reinforces my commitment to ongoing health myself. It’s a circular win-win. It’s truly a transformation and growth program disguised as a weight loss program! 

I have no doubt I can help you achieve the goals you’re looking for!

Are you ready to finally change your life?

Take this survey and let’s schedule a chat!



“Someone posted this picture of my wife and I yesterday for me 59th birthday. It was a remainder of where I have come from. I remember feeling so uncomfortable with myself in this picture. The smile was only on the outside. I’ve told my story many times this week. My focus is never on the 76 pounds I lost, but on the emotional baggage that was lost and the self worth and confidence that was gained. That part is invaluable. My wife was able to also lose 16 pounds. She spent hours in gyms, walking and burning calories and also ate very healthy. Yet could never take off the extra pounds. It was a game changer for her. We both remain forever grateful.”


“I cannot put into words how much this amazing program has changed my life! I’m about to hit 45 years old & I’m feeling my healthiest! I lost 117lbs in 11 months! One healthy habit at a time! I’m so glad I said YES!”